Coach Tim Prince
(770) 375-0681

Check our Facebook Group for season information, updates, and to see what our players are currently up to!


M.H.S.A.A. Physical Form

JV Baseball Schedule 2025

Varsity Baseball Schedule 2025

*We may be playing a limited JV baseball and JV softball schedule this spring if our anticipated participation numbers do not allow us to fill full teams. If so, we will need to share players between the varsity teams and JV teams from time to time. This will likely require playing on opposite nights from the varsity teams. Therefore, the JV schedules will be a work in progress. Please check with the coaches or on the school website and Sport's Booster website for updated games.

Attention Parents & Athletes:

You must have:

  • A valid physical on file

  • Have all athletic bills paid (including past participation fees)

  • Past uniforms/equipment turned into the coach/school

  • Be academically eligible in order to participate.

You can call Mike Woodard (Athletic Director) at 269-484-2016 if you have any questions.

You can now pay for your child’s athletic participation fee online. You will need to go to E-Funds for Schools and establish an account. This is the same site you can use to pay for school breakfast/lunch. You will need your student’s Identification (I.D.) number to establish an account. This is the same I.D. number you use to access Synergy. If you are not sure, you can contact the school to request their Identification number. There is a small transaction fee every time you make a deposit. This fee covers the cost of the program.