Galesburg-Augusta High School Athletics

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Ticket Information

Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools offer a variety of ways for families to save money while attending athletic events. Please see the ticket information below to find out how you can save money of athletic event admissions.

Please contact Mr. Woodard, the Athletic Director, with any questions or concerns. Phone number: 269-484-2016.

The Michigan High School Athletic Association (M.H.S.A.A.) offers Catastrophic Insurance and Concussion Insurance for all eligible student-athletes that compete in MHSAA sponsored sports during the defined season.

Please use this link for more information:

High School Athletic Teams


Participation Fees:
Participation fees are due by the end of the third week of practice. The fee is $50 per sport for high school athletics. There is a $200 family cap for all families. This cap includes any middle school children who are involved in middle school athletics. You must pay the participation fee in the high school office or online.

You can now pay for your child’s athletic participation fee online. You will need to go to E-Funds for Schools and establish an account. This is the same site you can use to pay for school breakfast/lunch. You will need your student’s Identification (I.D.) number to establish an account. This is the same I.D. number you use to access Pinnacle. If you are not sure, you can contact the school to request their Identification number. There is a small transaction fee every time you make a deposit. This fee covers the cost of the program.

Make a "Pay to Play" Payment on E-Funds

Outstanding Athletic Bills/Equipment:
All student-athletes must turn in all uniforms/equipment and have all outstanding bills paid before they may participate in athletics. This means they may not begin their next sport until everything has been turned in from their previous sport.

Galesburg-Augusta High School is a proud member of the Southwestern Athletic Conference (S.A.C.). G-A joined the S.A.C. in 2015, along with five other schools from the former K.V.A. The S.A.C. now consists of 13 schools.

Check out the league website for varsity scores and standings and all-division/all-conference information.